It is outside, covering some walls of the schools of La Grette and La Butte, that we find the first achievements of the students made with the help of Eltono! A great success for the hundreds of little hands of the classes of CP, CE1, CE2/CM1 and CM2 – Grette school – and of CLIS, CM1 and CM2 – Butte school – who are beginning to invest the surrounding public space.
Each pupil painted a line the length of his or her height, taking into account constraints that took the form of four variables that each drew at random: the presence of angles in the line (one, two or three segments), colour, position on the wall, direction of each line segment.
The pupils then added their own trace on the wall, thus participating in the creation of a random and collective painting.
For this second session, the pupils of the Grette and La Butte schools took a more sensorial approach to public space: their sense of observation and touch were called upon to pick up materials, whether walls, floors, doors, street furniture, etc…
Equipped with white sheets, greasy chalk and geometrically shaped stencils, the pupils, accompanied by Eltono, Johanna and Fanny, were delighted with this little escapade outside the walls of their school. Curious and enthusiastic about a new approach to discovering their neighbourhood, they took up the game of fingerprinting.
After this first step of taking measurements on paper, the schoolchildren composed a giant random collage of their cut-out shapes, always according to the rules of drawing lots fixed during the first session where it was a question of making a mural.
To end this school year on a festive note, the team of Juste Ici and Eltono proposed to the children of the schools of La Grette and La Butte to participate in the creation of a large collective composition in two stages, the final realization reserving them a nice surprise…
Each student created a geometric pattern using double-sided tape on a sheet of paper, according to instructions set by Eltono, having no idea of the final purpose of their work. Once this was done, the sheets were placed on one of the walls of each school to form a giant composition. The students were then invited to remove the top part of the tape and come and throw confetti on it, a fun and enjoyable way to give texture and colour to their originally created designs.
As part of its educational policy and its project for culture 2010> 2020, Besançon decided to establish, in conjunction with artists, outreach projects and initiations of schoolchildren primary to different artistic practices. These projects are organized as part of a “Local Arts Education Agreement” (in french, CLEA).
For the 2014/2015 year the association Juste Ici was chosen to involve an artist with students from two primary schools : the School of Butte and the school of Grette in Besançon. These are well over 160 classes of children from primary school that meet Eltono through three stages of collective and participatory artistic creations in public spaces. Having started with a visit to Bien Urbain, an artistic route trough (and with) public space, the target is to get students to discover the area of urban arts, especially by the sensitivity through practice.
From abstract graffiti to installations, Eltono is constantly looking for the anomalies or systems of repetitions at work in the towns that he visits. His curiosity leads him to create extremely methodical and often aleatory abstract series (paintings on doors, installations, sculptures, walks…). He rarely maintains control over what he has created, letting the city and its users modify, alter, or enhance his offerings developed under constraints, creating potential works of art in construction.
Photo credits
Chloé Cura, Eltono, David Demougeot, Johanna Romary