For this 2nd year of BAM!, the graphic designers’ workshop Terrains Vagues has handed over to the architects’ collective Cabanon Vertical.
Three workshops were proposed between October 2016 and April 2017:
– 3 “totem furniture” were created, serving as an open question to future users of the campus, as to the location, form and use of the future perennial furniture.
– A second meeting was held in the tree pool, the theatre of all the phases of creation, debate and construction of this 2nd edition of “BAM! 20 cushions were adopted for more comfort on the campus and a discussion was proposed around the sketch of the future layout, animated by location games in the company of the collective from Marseille city.
– The construction site, the final bouquet, came to conclude this residence: sawing, cutting, screwing, digging, sanding… the team of the Cabanon Vertical has been busy, under a beautiful spring sun, to build in place the furniture previously presented and debated. At work all week long and supported by the members of the association Juste Ici, a lively energy inhabited the construction site and guided the construction of two large structures made of Larch and called Le Ponton and Le Radeau!
Both of them were moored and quickly tamed by the students and staff of the La Bouloie campus. With their various posture possibilities (lying down, sitting, alone or in a group), they meet the needs of users by offering them a warm space for reviewing, daydreaming, resting and lunch breaks. The space of the tree pool is finally conquered!
BAM! is a cycle of participatory artistic residencies that question the uses of the Bouloie in Besançon. For its 3rd edition, 2 artist collectives are taking over to propose different ways to invest campus space by involving students, professionals and residents in new uses.In order to enhance the biodiversity there and strengthen the links between the campus and people who work and study there,the Groupe Naturaliste of the University of Franche-Comté (GNUFC) wanted to create a path of discovery and interpretation on campus site of La Bouloie.Their idea meets the motivations of BAM! they worked together with the Bivouac workshop and the Collectif bim!
Le Cabanon Vertical is a multidisciplinary collective that combines applied and visual arts. It questions the place of the individual in the urban space, their uses and their freedom to act. Olivier Bedu and his collective action platform envision architecture as an experimental territory, whose forms are open to the uses and appropriation of a place. Self-construction is a starting point for a poetic and active approach to space. The appropriation of public space by the invention of a sculpture-place1 is today the main aesthetic aim.
Photo credits
Nicolas Waltefaugle, Chloé Cura