The pots were once again crackling in Planoise on Saturday 21 October 2023 for the second Bol Bol Bol – soup festival.
On the esplanade of the Théâtre des 2 Scènes, Place de l’Europe and inside the theatre, Ju Hyun LEE’s creations created a colourful setting for the public and participants, a universe of giant bowls, ceramic ladles, dried vegetables and spoons in which everyone could discover new flavours.
With a desire to continue the creative exploration of food and ecology, there were tasty and instructive workshops for all ages. The artistic offerings of Collectif bim, invited by Les 2 Scènes, and the Ricefall participatory concert, presented as part of the POTE festival, took everyone on a journey through the sounds of grains of rice and the surprising nooks and crannies of Place de l’Europe.
At 5pm sharp, everyone enthusiastically made their way to the 19 competition teams, equipped with a spoon and a bowl, to taste the soups they had made and take part in the voting. The Crazy Good Soupe team’s Tom Kha Kai Thai soup won the prize for the best soup, while the Milos team, from the Mission Locale, won the prize for originality with their M’tsolola soup from Mauritius. A panel of judges, comprising a chef, elected representatives and Ju Hyun LEE, was also pleased to award the prize for best presentation to the Halloween soup made by the Planoise Valley team!
The Ateliers Juste Ici is a project of collective and creative appropriation of public spaces carried out by the association Juste Ici since 2018 in the Planoise district and since 2021 in the Clairs Soleils district, in the framework of the City Contract. It is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the DRAC Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, the Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires, the Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Grand Besançon Métropole, the City of Besançon and the MJC Clairs-Soleils Thanks to the adult relay system, the artist Ju Hyun LEE will lead workshops and create works of art with the residents over three years (2021-2023) in these neighbourhoods.
Ju Hyun LEE is a South Korean artist who works with cultivated and/or wild plants, exploring all aesthetic, gustatory and convivial experiences. Her main subject of experimentation is food, food that changes our views, emotions, thoughts, daily practices, health, value, organization of work, and finally, the sense of sharing.
Anabelle Michon