LN Surfil has made a series of collages on a free billboard towards the roundabout next to Micaud Park.under trees shadow, LN Surfil photographed each step of its collage to create a stop-motion animation (video under development) : the motifs are composed, cut, superimposed to appear and disappear as the collage progresses.
Bien Urbain 7
1 month : From 20th may to 17th June 2017
Place : mobile
Associate artist : OX (FR)
13 guest artists : Alias Ipin (FR), Bla+ (FR), Ekta (SWE), Ericailcane (IT), ESPO Stephen Powers (US), Sasha Kurmaz (UA), Jordan Seiler (US), Diana Sirianni (IT), Cie Spina (IT), LN Surfil (FR), OX (FR), Olivier Toulemonde (FR), The Wa (FR)
Hélène Laxenaire works the moving image by addition and subtraction, collage of shapes and colors more or less abstract. In Besançon, she produces animated films on free-display panels, which are usually very informative or even competitive in this electoral period.
Photo Credits
Élisa Murcia-Artengo