In parallel with their workshops at La Citadelle, the Ne Rougissez Pas collective came to meet the people of Bisont on two strolls through the city center. With their mobile screen-printing device, Les Ouvreuses, they were able to talk to passers-by about the notion of resistance and their presence at La Citadelle. During each walk, they handed out a specially-created leaflet describing the work in progress and enabling the Museum to reach out to local residents and curious onlookers.
Bien Urbain 11
2 weeks : June 9 to 25, 2023
27 invited artists : ABCDEF (DE) // Ama Split & Riky Kiwy (FR, IT) // Ampparito (ES) // Camille Bondon (FR) // Charlotte Beltzung (FR) // Christina Kubisch (DE) // Clown (FR) // Doa Oa (ES) // Dima Mykytenko (UKR) // Ella & Pitr (FR) // JOUBe (FR) // Ju Hyun LEE (KR) // Justine Caoudal (FR) // Lou Amoros Augustin (FR) // Mary et Jiem (FR) // Mujo Atelier (FR) // MZM Projects (UKR) // le collectif Ne Rougissez Pas (FR) // Red (FR) // Saturn (FR) // Simone Découpe (FR) // Vilx (FR)
Ne rougissez pas is a French collective of workers: graphic artists, designers and filmmakers, who also pass on knowledge and know-how, animate, organize, make and craft. The members see the collective as a working tool, to be built up day by day. The group pools ideas and creative and production resources to achieve common goals.
Anabelle Michon