Painting on a collage, Rue du Lycée, Besançon (FR)
Visual artists in High school
Through this device, the Regional Council of Franche-Comté is intended to arouse curiosity and encourage students initiatives by meeting with artists and discover places of artistic creation and diffusion. Four approaches are addressed here : the encounter with an artwork by the discovery of a creative process, artistic and cultural practice through linking with the various fields of knowledge and the construction of an aesthetic judgment. For the year 2015/2016, our organization has been chosen to involve an artist with students from Pasteur High School, CFA Hilaire de Chardonnet, the school of Le Corbusier and LEGTA Mancy. These are well over 160 students who meet the artist Escif. Having started with a visit to Bien Urbain, the goal is to encourage students to discover the area of urban arts, especially by the sensitivity through practice.
Far from the idea to decorate the city, Escif considers his murals as pretexts for the exchange. The context is for him one of the essential ingredients. Imagery that emerges is primarily made to create dialogue with passersby.
Photo Credits
David Demougeot